Monday, December 29, 2008

First Blog! Yay!

Wow, this is weird. I have never been one to blog. Usually because I'm just too lazy to write. As much as I like writing, I can never seem too get down what I'm thinking on paper or in this case on a blog. I suppose I don't have much of a choice, seeing as this is required for my grade and I cannot afford an F this year. Having an F means no graduating for still hasn't hit me yet that this is my last year. I'm a senior, the big bad senior. It doesn’t feel any different though. You'd think that once you were a senior you'd have all the power in the school, but it feels the same. The only thing that's different is the schedule, but let's not talk about that. It's too confusing of a subject, trust me.
Anyways, a little recap of that last two weeks. It's been busy but I'm managing to get by. I unfortunately have to take math again this year, but it's not so bad. P.E. is actually pretty fun too. I'm really excited for rock climbing. I'm must say I am pretty pro in the activity, haha only not really! I love it none the less. It's nice getting some exercise, and let me tell you the first day we did intense exercising and I was sore for a week. It's good though, I needed it. Government is fun as Mr. Bowers class always is. Engineering is...well scary! I feel like I did the first day of sophomore year when I first had Dr. Immels class. I remember i was so nervous. I had heard many scary things about him, and that he was mean! Of course this feeling is only temporary, just need a bit of time to adjust. Other then, he's awesome!Last but not least English! One of my favorite subjects. I think this year is gonna be good. I like this whole idea of Mr. Smith having all the information we need online. That means no more handing out papers, which means no more lost papers and also another positive note is that were helping out the planet by saving trees. Two thumbs up for going green Mr.Smith! I would tell you about 6th period but lucky me, I don't have one!
So to wrap this up, I’m really looking forward to the rest of the year, and hopefully it will go smoothly. Just need to keep up and stay focused. I only have my ticket out of here on the line. No pressure, right? Ha, I’m not really that worried. Well I should be off. Class is over, so goodbye until my next blog!